Functions and objectives

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.​

  • Direct and evaluate the execution of ADRES policies, plans, programs and projects and guide the fulfillment of its objectives and functions. 
  • Exercise legal representation, order the expense and designate attorneys to represent it for the defense of its interests, in judicial and extrajudicial matters. 
  • Issue the instructions for administration, organization and operation, in accordance with the criteria indicated by the board of directors. 
  • Present for approval of the board of directors the strategic plan of the entity, the annual budget draft, the modifications to the approved budget, the financial statements, as well as the plans and programs that according to the Organic Budget Law are required for their incorporation to the sectoral plans and the National Development Plan. 
  • Implement and monitor the execution of the decisions issued by the board of directors and render the reports that are requested by it, by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the other monitoring and control agencies. 
  • To guide and direct the administrative, financial and institutional results management control systems and carry out periodic evaluations on the execution of the action plan, compliance with the activities of each agency and propose the necessary preventive and corrective measures. 
  • Plan, direct and exercise the necessary actions for the proper administration and execution of the financial resources referred to in articles 66 and 67 of Law 1753 of 2015. 
  • Direct the execution, registration, report, analysis, monitoring and control of the resources received in administration, as well as the resources allocated for its operation and those of ADRES. -Direct the accounting management of the entity's operations in accordance with the provisions of the public accounting regime and present the financial statements. 
  • To guide and direct the management of information and communications through technological processes that guarantee the integrity and consistency of the information. 
  • Support the drafting of bills and other regulations that are related to matters within the competence of ADRES, under the direction of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. 
  • Issue the administrative acts that are required for the fulfillment of the functions of the entity and decide on the legal resources that are filed against them. 
  • Present for the consideration of the national government, the adoption of modifications to the structure and staff of ADRES, which have been approved by the board of directors. 
  • Sign agreements and contracts in accordance with the Contracting Statute, the Organic Budget Law and other rules that regulate the matter. 
  • Create, conform and assign functions to the advisory and coordination bodies, as well as to the internal work groups necessary for the fulfillment of the functions and objectives of the ADRES. 
  • Exercise the function of disciplinary control in the terms of the law. -Exercise the nominating power of the public servants of the entity and distribute the jobs of the staff. 
  • Direct the implementation, maintain and improve the integrated institutional management system. -The others that correspond to it indicated by law.​
  • Assist the Director General in determining the policies, objectives and strategies related to the administration of financial resources of the General System of Social Security in Health in accordance with the provisions of articles 66 and 67 of Law 1753 of 2015. 
  • Plan, execute and control the policies, plans, programs and other actions related to the management and budget, accounting and treasury operations of the financial resources of the General System of Social Security in Health, in accordance with the provisions of articles 66 and 67 of Law 1753 of 2015. 
  • Elaborate and consolidate, under the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and in coordination with the other dependencies of ADRES, the preliminary draft and annual budget project of the entity in relation to the resources in administration, as well as the programming budget of the same for approval of the Board of Directors. 
  • Develop and execute, in coordination with the other dependencies of the entity, the Annual Monthly Cash Program - PAC, of ​​the resources in administration. 
  • Register and monitor the execution of the budget for income and expenses of resources in administration. -Prepare the support of the budgetary modifications of the resources in administration. 
  • Propose and implement the guidelines, instructions, concepts and technical manuals to carry out the collection, payment and transfer of the resources provided for in articles 66 and 67 of Law 1753 of 2015 and the regulations that modify, add or replace it. 
  • To carry out the collection and control of the sources of the resources provided for in articles 66 and 67 of Law 1753 of 2015 and the regulations that modify, add or replace it, in accordance with the guidelines, instructions, concepts and mechanisms established for such an end. 
  • Manage, directly or through a public trust or any other financial resource management mechanism, the investment portfolio with criteria of security, liquidity and profitability, in accordance with the policies defined for this purpose. 
  • Make the payment and transfer of resources under administration, as a result of the liquidation and guarantees process and the exceptional benefits process, in charge of the Entity's dependencies. 
  • Execute financial operations related to FONSAET resources in accordance with the provisions of Law 1438 of 2011, Law 1608 of 2013 and Decree 2651 of 2014 and other regulations that modify, add or replace them and the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. 
  • Follow up the records and the values ​​identified, clarified and reinstated by the Entity, within the framework of article 3 of Decree Law 1281 of 2002. 
  • Adopt and implement control mechanisms for the collection, payment and transfer of resources under administration, in order to avoid fraud and improper payments. 
  • Keep the accounting and present the financial statements in accordance with the Public Accounting Regime, carry out the analysis and present the established or required reports, identifying the operations of the resources under administration and those owned by the Territorial Entities. 
  • Perform in coordination with the other agencies, the monthly reconciliation of the financial information of the resources under administration. 
  • Provide and supply information on the operations carried out by the agency in the processes under its charge, under the conditions and characteristics established or required by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the other monitoring and control bodies. 
  • Prepare the functional requirements for updating and / or adjustments to the information systems that support the processes in charge of the agency. 
  • Present the rendering of the annual account of the resources in administration. 
  • Responding for the timely presentation of the tax information declarations requested by the National Tax and Customs Directorate DIAN, on the resources in administration. 
  • Attend requests and queries related to matters within its competence. 
  • ​Support the development and maintenance of the Integrated Institutional Management System. 
  • The rest that are assigned and that correspond to the nature of the dependency.

 Editor de contenido ‭[5]‬

Dirección General​